Art & Poetry 2.1: Pre-K/K & Lower Elementary

 Dear families,

I had a blast teaching Art and Poetry to the Upper Elementary and Middle School students during the first quarter, and I'm very excited to be teaching the Lower Elementary students the same class now for the second quarter! We started out by learning about each of the elements of art and drawing them in an art exercise. Their take-home drawing today may seem a bit scattered, but the goal was for them to show the elements of LINE, SHAPE, FORM, COLOR, TEXTURE, VALUE, and SPACE. We even had a chant to help memorize them! 








the elements of art can make things great!"

Our artist that we introduced is Jacob Lawrence, focusing on his eight paintings called the Genesis Sermon Creation series. We discussed the elements of art, the details, the similarities, and the differences we could see in the pictures. It was also important that we begin to look at the emotions portrayed in the artwork, which we'll talk about more next week.

We also learned about the elements of poetry in very basic form. Poems contain 1. words, 2. sometimes rhyme (or not) but always have a form, 3. convey an idea or story, and 4. give the emotions and thoughts of the poet. We will talk more about poetry in the following classes.

***For next week, please make sure your child has a large selection of colored pencils and/or crayons to use, in a closed container. They also need a hard surface to draw on, such as a clipboard, drawing board, or binder, since we are outdoors or sitting on the floor.*** 

***This class also needs to have glue/glue stick and scissors in a safe container in their backpack! We will only take them out when needed for future projects, so I want them to be in a safe place when not being used.***

There is no homework assigned for this class, but I would encourage families to review the Elements of Art chant, and for parents to bring up these different elements in artwork you may see in your other school subjects!

~ Alyssa