Art & Poetry 2.3: Pre-K/K & Lower Elementary

 Hi everyone,

Today's class was a bit hectic, but ended up being fun (I hope!) for everyone! We read a book about Jacob Lawrence, the artist we are studying, called Jake Makes a World. We talked about how Jacob used his five senses to experience his surroundings in Harlem, where he grew up. Then I asked our class to imagine their own world, an image of a place that they liked or where they lived, and create a picture of it with foam shapes which were bright like the colors Jacob Lawrence used. Their pictures are in their folders, so check them out!

While they were making the pictures, I went around to each child and asked them questions about their "world". They gave me details about it, and we came up with the poems written down below. Feel free to print off or write down your child's poem and share it with them again!

We also read a book called The Word Collector, by Peter H. Reynolds. After reading about a boy who loves to gather different words, we all came up with a big list of words that we liked, such as "hippopotamus", "poisonous", "vorpal", "zip", "icicle", "symphony", and more! We barely had any time to practice pairing the words together to create cool combinations that sounded poetic, but it was a fun activity. Part of learning how to appreciate poetry is to have fun with the "elements" of poetry, just like we practice the foundational elements of art!

Next week is a field trip, so I will teach class four in two weeks!

