Mapmaking 2.4: MS & Upper Elementary

 Hello parents,

We are well on our way to completing our final Drafting and Mapmaking projects!

The MS class started their final versions of their fantastic vacation home floor plans. Next week we will finish up the floor plan and draw the outside views before mounting each drawing and putting the whole project together on poster board. It will look quite impressive! I attached a picture of the (incomplete) sample I showed the students today of my floor plan and two side views. 

The UE class was quite busy today. Everyone drew their plain paper Fantasy Island onto a 12x12 grid. Then they transferred these onto a pizza box that had a larger 12x12 grid. Everyone did a great job with this. Then each student got a lump of air drying clay to form cliffs and other land features that they wanted to make 3D. The kids who finished this watched a short video on how to paint a watercolor ocean sunrise. Then they practiced the technique on a 6x6 piece of paper in preparation for putting it on the 12x12 paper that will be the background for their pizza box island. A few kids finished early and watched a second video that has a more advanced painting technique. Here are links for the videos, in case the kids want to watch them again (or for the first time).

Beginner Video:

More advanced Video:

Next week we will do the full background painting. We only have 9 boxes of watercolor paints in the supply closet, so if anybody has a watercolor set they can bring, please do. We’ll also use basic decoupage to fill in the island floor, but the rest will be 3D. I’ll have some supplies to make 3D objects next week, but they can add things from home as well (reminder: next week is the last week. I’m hoping we get all of the gluing and painting done in class, but some of the 3D details may have to be filled in at home). I attached a pic of my Chicken Island, which is a work in progress, but shows what the decoupage will look like (see right side of the chicken’s comb, in green).  

Phew ... it was a busy, but fun, day,

-Sarah B.